Sunday, January 20, 2008

Old Story - The freinds Part IV

This story is in continuance with the previous parts..scroll down and u will get the parts..

Suddenly he felt a stop in the pushing of the raft...He looked down and saw that the turtles had left .. the raft was swinging back into the sea stream..!
And that was bad news...!!!
At the mercy of the gulf stream , the raft will get further out into the sea and most probably will get sucked into one of the vortex that accompany such streams... Aiyratna could only grasp helplessly at the raft and look with sheer desperstion to danu. Danu had almost but given up and his eyes reflected a detachment Aiyratna found both irritating and dead ...
Too much desperation can lead to a state where the mind goes blank and one sees only wat is infront of him ..The same was happening to him as the only thing he could think of were the swirling waters of the sea current and the almost transluscent green algae as it swam effortlessly with the flow...
The water was surprisingly clear upto a few meters and he could make out some commotion ahead of the raft..A kind of turbulence which was small enough not to panic but big enough not to ignore. As he peered down for a closer look .. One of the turtles darted past him in water comin from the front and missing his nose by a few inches.. they are still around...but hey wait wats coming up behind him..!!? From far it looked a pack of water insects but Aiyratna was a fisherman and he knew them when he saw them..It was a small school of Sardines moving straight towards his raft...the school being kept in formation by his two turtles cutting circles above and below them..
Its sometime difficult to hear unspoken gestures ad sometimes its too obvious to miss. ... Aiyratna did not waste any time in whipping the cloth out and dipping it into the sea ...His first catch was twenty small sardines ...
Too small a catch but will do...
As sson he had emptied the pack on his raft floor ...he saw the school approachin for the second time ..again marshalled by his freinds...
This went on till the raft floor was full and there was no space.. As soon as the last ones were caught ...Aiyratna sat up and told Danu to prepare the catch..
Within minutes the turtles were back at their stations and Aiyratna felt the reassuring push of the raft out of the stream.. As one by one the sardines were gutted , blood drunk and flesh eaten. Aiyratna and Danu tied up the remaining two thirds in the cloth for the next day and for first time in three days both of them lay down on the raft ....with a full stomach...and night fell on them as the raft drifted out of the main gulf stream..
To be ontinued

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