Sunday, July 11, 2010

Closing eyes and opening mouth!

I generally do not bother with what people do or behave like as long as they stay away from me. I am not a very social animal and I am happy that way..but what gets my goat is when people disrespect my time and privacy. Dude, there is a space where you exist not over step them or you shall be thrown out (as they say in Navy Act "with disgrace") .

Now thinking of such people I have come to a conclusion that this habit of utter disrespect for the other human beings time or privacy comes with a host of other sndromes . This is also the same category of people who think that by closing their eyes the world stops noticing them.
The same category of people sometime also are so delusional that they are convinced that when they do "good" deeds there should be instant gratification while the "bad" deeds they do somehow are not quite bad to warrant punishment...

Now thats not quite a bad logic when you apply it in your life...It becomes a slight problem when you start applying them across the board...why?

Let me list out the reasons along with the few other things such persons think a bit about before they close their eyes and open their mouth...

1. No one cares a damn. Corollary: you are not god's left b*ll so either you close your eyes or open your eyes one cares.

2. No one thinks of you as a saint. People are not as dumb as you think them to be.One golden rule: you are judged by wat you do instead of wat you say. ( I will give a good example..a muslim freind of mine somehow spent his time searching for a bottle of best vodka for all of us ..spending time and money on a product that he doesnt touch..why ? for us.
Now that gesture is worth a thousand words of suppliant silky touch..and cannot even rival that gesture)

3. Not everything has a cause and effect that you presume. I hate red color doesnt always mean that I found your red hat repulsive...not always.

4. your logic is alright with you but try not to cover up your mistake with a twisted justifying logic. you know where you stand and when you are giving a reason you are trying to fool no one but you.

5. when someone nods his head it doesnt mean that he agrees with could also mean that he/she is pitying you.

6. Be happy ....dont complicate your life and others by your stupid games. If you have so much of time spend a part of it in discovering your talents and groove. Much more productive and believe me you will make the world a better place..

Disclaimer: the reason I have written this peice is because i felt like it and maybe i am a bit pissed off because my third acryllic attempt didnt end up in the monalisa i wanted it to be. And I dont know why I am feeling slightly better at my charcoal attempts ... with malice towards none this peice was written...

1 comment:

Keith said...

Like what you are saying here. Made me think of a few things.

Ta !

The word verification I had to type was Garee, which is just Gary entering the X factor.